Friday, June 1, 2012
Brock Day 7
This book reminds me of blood river because they both have Indians and white man in them. Tyler said Attean and Matt should go take the gun back from Ben. I think they should not because he could shoot them and it probably ran out of gun powder. I thought that game they played a really boring game if I was Matt I would not even have played the game. I feel really bad for that dog that only has three legs that was Attean’s. I hope that Matt will not have any problems while Attean is away. I hope Attean catches his Manitou.
Tanner Day 7
I couldnt find any day sixes at the web site so i cant respond just to let you know. Throughout this book I dont like it a lot becasue there is no action at all. I wonder why Matts grand mother is coming. I wonder if Ateens knife is sharp. I think it was nice when the grandma gave them nuts and berries. I think when Ateen trys to find the mosse some thing bad will happen to Matt or Ateen and one of them will die.
Lindsay Day 7 I think it's disrespectful that Attean's grandmother doesn't accecpt Matt because of something he didn't do. It was bad how the kids played. It was way too rough and violent for kids their age. I would be terrified and homesick being away, but the way his grandmother looked at Attean he had a reminder of how much his family loves him and cares for him. I'm happy Matt felt accepted because what he's going through he should have someone to be there and support him. I don't think Attean going to hunt is a good idea. Do you? I disagree with Ryan that the author was excited while writing these chapters. I think she was more focused on what happens following the main actions because there is a lot of them. Can't wait for day 8!
Shane day 7
I’m surprised Attean’s grandmother trusts Matt because one of his people killed her daughter so he would be almost impossible to trust. I’m also surprised Attean’s dog likes him to. Tanner iron traps are bad for Indians because they make everything by hand and that is a serious mechanism made by machine. I agree with you Michael when you say teaching someone how to read is boring. I don’t think Attean is going to find his spirit.
Tyler day 7
I think the circle they played in was supposed to be gambling because Indians invented it right? The dog probably sensed Attean trusted him so he should. Why don't they live by the caribou and moose? Matt thought he was being tested but actually Attean was. I think Attean will find the moose and matt will find his family.
Jordyn day 6
I wonder why the Indians just suddenly started inviting Matt to there village. I think the grandmother should at least give Matt a chance or any white person a chance because what happened to Attean's mother. She doesn’t trust white people but some white people are bad and some are very nice and good. I agree with Tyler that Matt and Attean bond the best in the woods because Attean teaches Matt new stuff everyday about either fishing, hunting or something else and because both of them can hunt and both of them help each other out a lot. I think Matt was probably very happy to see Attean smile and not so grumpy. I don’t think Attean is being that mean when he is joking because matt always takes it in a bad way.
Tyler Day 6
Shane Attean doesn't smile because for an Indian that shows weakness and Attean always watches Matt's back he is like his brother from another mother. Ryan I thought thickheaded meant tough. I read in a book that Indian celebrations usually lasted 2 or 3 hours. I thought Attean was going to carry Matt home not give him a place to stay. Why did the merchants want just the pelts if I were them I would ask for two whole beavers. Why would they do that to a woman it is just wrong.