Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Jordyn Day 1
I think The Sign of the Beaver is a lot like Hatchet so far because just like Brian, Matt had to stay somewhere alone and he has to hunt and kill animals for him to stay alive. Some differences between both books are, in Hatchet Brian didn’t have a real house, it was more like a little fort and in The Sign of the Beaver, Matt has a log cabin house that protects him more and it is bigger. Another thing that is different about both books is that, Brian didn’t have a choice but to land and stay there, because he was on a plane, the pilot had a heart attack and the plane was running low on gas. He didn’t chose to be alone in a place he has never been before. In The Sign of the Beaver, Matt and his family chose to move in where matt is because they liked the location and it is there land. There are a tons of similarities in The Sign of the Beaver and Hatchet for example, both Matt and Brian met a guy where they were staying. Also, they both had to kill animals to survive. I don’t think Matt should of let Ben in his house or to eat dinner there because he is a stranger that Matt just met and when Matt woke up in the morning his rifle was gone and that was when matt knew he couldn’t trust Ben.